Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Bird House 2006

 This is a bird house I painted a few years ago.  Sometimes I like to paint what is on the other side of the wall, the real side where all the beauty is and bring it inside.  When I lived in Shreveport I could not stand the white walls at one time I had painted the whole living room and celling like a crumbling Egyptian Tomb complete with the sky coming through the cracks and crumbles, another time I painted exactly what was on the outside of the walls and brought it inside complete with the drippy faucet and all the flowers and weeds too.

The beauty of life is in the tiny details, perfection is in nature where all the details come together and form colors more vibrant and more beautiful than any painter could ever mix!

Some Henna I did a few years ago

When I was living in Louisiana I did henna for a living, something I loved to do but it is just to cold here in NH to make a living doing it.  I still do it from time to time but just for friends now.  I will have to make a collage of some of my henna tattoos I have done throughout the years.  My specialty is not this sort of thing - my specialty is the traditional wedding henna, hands and feet.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Bad Habbits

This is one of the many things I am currently working on - I really do have a very bad habit of working on many many things at once! - I am not very happy with this piece so I kind of set it aside - I think it was the addition of the color that threw it off for me, the dark stinkweed is just to dark.  This is done in watercolor pencils with out the water being applied - that will only darken the colors but it will also brighten them so I am undecided which way to go with that!???  Not even sure if I should finish this piece ?

Sorry its taking so long